Posts by admin
Everybody wants a piece of Donnie
More great press just in time for Friday’s opening!
It’s the top of page first entry on the “This Weekend” page in Thursday’s Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Artist Matt Lively (who did the cool tar/enamel illustrations for the doc) is featured in this article in RVAMagazine: The Art of Dirtwoman
I wrote this article for GayRVA about my experiences at LGBT festivals.
Even CultureWorks considers Donnie “culture!” They included the movie in their weekly email blast as a “Pick!
Friday morning at 8:05am, Jason Roop will be on Richmond’s Morning News with John Reid to talk about the movie’s opening as part of their weekly events coverage. That’s on WRVA (1140 AM / 96.1 FM).
Online news site River City Rapids included the movie in this week’s blast.
Tickets are on sale now (click here).
Remember that I’ll be there to greet my fellow Dirtwoman fans at all 3 shows on Friday and Saturday (4:20, 7:00, 9:40), PLUS I’ll be doing Q&A (and exit interviews) after the 7pm show both nites. Hope to see u there!
Run clarification and ticket link
Because of the showing at the Byrd in April, people assume that this new run at Movieland is a one-nite only affair.
This is a typical run like any movie. It’ll play for at least a week and longer if ticket sales are good.
IMPORTANT! Many people expect it’ll show at the Criterion Cinema (across the parking lot), which usually houses the art films. Donnie has been assigned a place of honor: Cinema 1 at Movieland!
Thanks for helping spread the word. (Remember, I’ll be there Fri and Sat nites for Q&A after the 7pm shows)
Coming Soon Indeed!
It’s only one week til Donnie makes his return visit and Dirtwoman’s already on the Movieland marquee!
Meanwhile, the media coverage is heating up:
On Wednesday, I visited with Jessica Noll at CBS-6 on Virginia This Morning.
Today I’ll be a guest on the longtime news and public affairs stalwart Open Source RVA to chat with my friend Don Harrison about my experiences on the film festival circuit. That’s at noon on WRIR (97.3FM) and on their podcast after 1pm today. CHECK HERE TO LISTEN (my interview is about 30 minutes in).
I didn’t make it on the air but NBC-12 posted this notice on their site.
Meanwhile, 2 of the most prominent LGBT organizations have posted announcements!
Listen for my sponsorship announcements all next week on VPM-FM.
Tickets are already on sale for the run, which starts next Friday, January 24 and runs for at least a week (longer if ticket sales are good). I plan to be at the 7pm shows on Friday and Saturday nite for Q&A after the film (and to greet fellow Dirtwoman fans).
Donnie comes home!
After a year of exposing the world to Dirtwoman via 7 film festivals (2 in California, 1 in Florida, 1 in Georgia, 2 in Virginia, 1 in South Africa), it’s time to bring Donnie back to RVA.
SPIDER MITES OF JESUS will begin an exclusive limited run
at Bow Tie Cinemas starting
Friday, January 24
It’ll open at Movieland and may eventually move to Criterion, depending on ticket sales.
There will be 3 shows a day: 4:20, 7:00 and 9:30.
Some nites, I’ll be popping in for Q&A after the 7pm show.
There will be more news soon, including a link to advance ticket sales.
DVD and streaming options will be available after the run.
Here’s the new trailer!
Donnie goes down (South) and more
What may be the last film festival (in the US anyway) took Donnie to Atlanta for OUT ON FILM
Two friends who used to live in Richmond (see below) came to share the experience, plus a former RVA couple who moved to Atlanta showed up to share the memories.
“gloriously profane and wonderfully engaging”
While we were there, I got another great review from DAILY FILM FIX (7/10).
Click here to read it.
I also spent almost an hour chatting with Neal Jones for his website INSIDE YOUR HEAD.
Meanwhile, Dirtwoman made her first visit to South Africa (unaccompanied by me) at the Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival on September 28.
Hot in Palm Springs, literally!
We endured the 100+ degree days to expose Dirtwoman to his first LGBTQ festival:
Cinema Diverse in Palm Springs.

Friends Will Congdon (former Richmonder), Mark Reed (current Richmonder and my hubby), me, Bill Nicholson (former Richmonder), Lindell Campbell, Tom Guthrie (former Richmonder), Mohammed Samir
While on the West Coast, I recorded this podcast:
Click here to hear my chat with Mike Kaspar
It’s off to Atlanta for OUT ON FILM. If you’ve got friends in Georgia, let ’em know it’s playing 11am, Saturday, 9/28 at Midtown Art Cinema.
A “Threatening” review & a rhino in pumps!
Film Threat was THE magazine for indie films from 1985 to 1996, when it became the go-to website for movie buffs.
Bobby Lepire’s review was just published and he rated it 8/10!
In festival news, Spider Mites was accepted in the Durban Gay & Lesbian Film Festival in South Africa!
The first international showing for Dirtwoman.
Click here to read about the festival.
I won’t be traveling to Africa, but head out next week to expose Dirtwoman to Palm Springs and Atlanta! (Click on the links to read more about the festivals and share with your friends in these cities)
Dirtwoman’s getting double gay!
In September, we’ll be spreading Spider Mites’ big gay love on both coasts!
First stop is CINEMA DIVERSE, the Palm Springs LGBTQ Film Festival on Saturday, 9/21. I’ll be in Palm Spring for the screening and a big afterparty! If you have any friends there, let ’em know (or even if they live in LA…it’s not that far).
The following Saturday, I’ll be exposing Atlanta to a Southern queen that’ll rival any there. The screening is 9/28 at OUT ON FILM. If you got friends in Georgia, this is their chance.
Meanwhile, in addition to the great coverage the movie got from Richmond press before the April premiere, RVA Magazine just published this extensive, wonderful article about Donnie and the doc.
The festival circuit will come to a close in November (a year after the 1st show in Charlottesville). Then, I plan to play a limited run in Richmond, while ramping up a streaming outlet and DVD options.
San Francisco and more!
My trip to the SF DocFest (aka 18th Annual San Francisco Documentary Film Festival) gave me a chance to share Dirtwoman with folks on the West Coast. Judging from the enthusiastic response and lively Q&A, this audience heartily embraced Donnie.
Joining the crowd was former RVA promoter Barry “Mad Dog” Gottlieb (he’s also interviewed in the doc). Longtime friend Mark Neerman (formerly the News Director of CBS-6 and now holding that job in SF) also came to enjoy the show.
In other news, I’ve teamed up with indie cinema vet Ryan Bruce Levey to help me with the doc going forward. He’ll be consulting on strategies for publicity, promotion, film festivals and distribution. He’s also been generating new reviews. Here are links to several of them.
“I feel like I need to have my brain hosed down”
“a hybrid of uplifting defiance and deeply unsettling tragedy done with earnestness and love”
“a pleasant reminder that it takes all sorts to make a world, and without the outcasts and weirdos, proceedings on this plane would be a damn sight more tedious. R.I.P., Donnie.”
Click here to read the full review
“both interesting and fascinating”
“we also feel the love the filmmaker has for him”
Click here to read the full review
“makes sure that viewers get an eyeful or two as they get to know the Dirtwoman of Richmond”
“a fascinating exercise in style and in documentary filmmaking”
Click here to read the full review
“Jerry Williams uncorks a doozy”
Click here to read the full review
“one of the must-see movies of this year’s Florida Film Festival.”
Alas, it came out after that festival was over!
Click here to read the full review
Off the Richter Scale DIRTQUAKE to hit San Francisco!
They’ll be asking, “Who crapped in my Rice-A-Roni?,” when Donnie does the Castro!
The next appearance of SPIDER MITES OF JESUS: THE DIRTWOMAN DOCUMENTARY will be in San Francisco at DocFest: the SF Documentary Festival. The show will be on Sunday, June 2 at the very cool Roxie Theatre. Tell your West Coast friends to get ready!
As many Dirtwoman fans discovered, the Hometown Premiere was a rousing success! People lined up around the block to fill the Byrd Theatre and give Donnie an enthusiastic welcome back home.